piątek, 14 czerwca 2013

Mozart - Missae breves - Collegium Aureum, Augsburger Domsingknaben, Reinhard Kammler [zapowiedź póki co...]

"The words in Latin "Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy" might be affecting to someone with more belief than I have, and I confess are even touching to me who have nearly none, but I have at one time had many recordings of this little mass and they all have some opera lady singing the solo part in the Kyrie which was written for a little boy to sing - and they are stilted, poised and SUCK. But this recording has all the melancholy of adolescence with its thesis of sexual discovery and antithesis of gerontion or whatever. Anyway the boy in question, and this may be a little homo-erotic, but only subconsciously if at all, sounds like he is an aging chorister and his voice is about to change, and he sounds like he's in a bit of a pout (nasty priests can't keep their mits to themselves) and he starts off all alone singing, like a low growl kyrie almost baritone and then the clouds burst open in sunshine and the sweetest ANGEL alto honey spray ELEISON. God, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Maybe the ONLY beautiful thing in the world. Then after another couple of choruses and full choir and the same operatic build-up of suspense, tension, conflict, whatever: the solo again, even lower this time to start off and even poutier and then the same Angelic explosion of golden dust and blinding sunlight. After that it is pure anticlimax, but those 2 solo parts are enough for a life of joy. Heaven on earth. Mozart was 17 or 18 when he wrote it. "

Dawno nie czytałem tak kretyńskiej informacji (bo raczej nie "recenzji") i jakiejkolwiek płycie. Tak bardzo kretyńskiej ... że postanowiłem jej posłuchać... (cdn)

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